Printables Decorative Window Film


Product Details

Printables by Madico can make glass come alive with color, patterns, and eye-catching graphics. Printables are optically clear, allowing any design or image to be printed onto the film, which is available in two different adhesive types. Graphics look great from both sides of the glass. Custom film printing is a great alternative to stock designs and can be used for interior decorating and privacy.

Common Applications:

  • Retail windows & displays
  • Interior decorating
  • Hospitals and doctors’ offices
  • Lobbies and elevators
  • Passenger transport glass
  • Restaurants & hotels
  • Office partitions and conference rooms

Key Features:

  • Optically clear
  • UV ink compatible
  • Print CMYK + white
  • Graphics look great from both sides of the glass
  • UV blocking (select films)
  • Scratch-resistant coating (select films)
  • Available with removable and permanent adhesive

Madico offers a wide range of printable window films with high-performance UV ink-jet receptive top coatings. The polyester films, in combination with the correct UV inks and printing system, produce high performance printed window graphics. The optically clear film ensures your design will appear as intended.


Customize It

Create one-of-a-kind patterns and designs to fit any unique setting.

Create Privacy

Welcome in the beauty of natural light while still maintaining privacy.


Affordable and a fraction of the cost of etched glass, enhancing existing glass without breaking the bank.

Add Style

Our decorative films add an element of style to any space, plus they can be easily removed and replaced as trends change.

UV Protection

Block the sun’s harmful UV rays, protecting skin and furnishings from fading.

Enhance Privacy

Select decorative films block 100% of light transmission, providing total privacy.

Manufactured by Madico

When you purchase Madico film you can rest assured that you have selected a high quality and extensively tested product.


Headquartered in Tampa Bay, Florida, Madico, Inc. manufactures and distributes high performance window films for automotive, architectural, and safety and security applications through seven company owned distribution centers in the United States as well as an extensive international distributor network.

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