
6 Tips to Keep Your Dorm Green this Semester

Sep 2, 2016

It's about that time—school has begun and students around the country are moving out of their parents' house and into their new dorms. It's an exciting experience, and decorating the dorm is all part of the fun. But, keeping the dorm room "green" isn't always a priority when shopping for lighting, packaging for the move, and being mindful of the origin of the products. Saving energy and going green this semester is a lot easier than it sounds! Take a look at some of these tips and see how you can take the initiative and conserve energy in your dorm room this year!    

1. The "Something Old…"

  The Something OldDon't be afraid to use the used! Not everything in your dorm room has to be brand new to be stylish. Rather than heading to big department stores for décor, try checking out some second-hand stores, online "used" retailers like ebay and Craigslist, or even some garage sales. Some of the best (and cheapest) finds are used. Add some character to your new space with some some antique furniture or hand-me-down pieces like vases or frames.    

2. Natural Air

  Natural AirWhile most dorms don't allow students to exceed or go below a specific degree in the dorm room's temperature, you can take it one step further and not use the university's air conditioning all together! Try opening a window, turn on the fan, or even take a (quick) cold shower before you hit the hay! The less air conditioning you use, the more energy you conserve!    

3. Use the Recyclable Stuff!

  Use the Recyclable StuffIt's time to dip into your creative side. Rather than buying décor that you can't recycle once you grow out of it or move out, try making your own! Use paper, cardboard, or even plastic so that once you don't need it, it can be re-purposed into something else. Try making a paper lamp, or using paper wall tiles to amp-up those plain dorm walls! Items made up of recyclable matter are not only better for the environment, but can also add a unique touch to the traditional dorm room.    

4. Say "YES" to Organic Sheets

  Say YES to Organic SheetsWe know what you're thinking, "too expensive!". But, there are affordable organic products out there, it just takes a little bit of research! Besides, investing in an organic sheet/bedding set and pillow cases isn't a bad idea. Opting for organic cotton sheets means opting for less pesticides in the growth of cotton and a more natural product to slumber in. What could be better?    

5. Keep it Clean!

  Keep it CleanWe know, between studying and making new friends, there isn't much time to clean the dorm room. But, when you do, it's best to use organic and biodegradable cleaning supplies. These products are great for the environment and for your health. Don't subject your roommate and yourself to harmful chemicals if you can help it.    

6. Spotlight on Lighting

  Spotlight on LightingLower your electricity usage with light emitting diode bulbs. These bulbs are great for awesome lighting, and use A LOT less electricity than your traditional bulbs. You can find them at most hardware stores and even online. Take a little bit of extra time and search around for cleaner, less energy-guzzling lighting options.

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