Window Film Brings Energy Efficiencies, Cost Savings to Florida Restaurant
Jul 7, 2015

By: David Smith
We are proud to share that has published our own Jeffrey Plummer's, Madico Window Films Sr. Vice President of Sales and Marketing, byline on the Firestick Grill at the Amalie Arena to their website. The article, “Window Film Brings Energy Efficiencies, Cost Savings To Florida Restaurant,” is featured in their ‘Industry Perspectives’ section, and a link to the article is currently on the home page. Energy Efficiency Markets is an online publication focused on news about energy efficiency for businesses, energy insiders and others on the cutting edge of clean teach. Each month over 20,000 regulators, policy makers and community and industry thought leaders come to Energy Efficiency Markets for news and analysis on the programs, technologies, deals, policies and trends that shape today’s energy efficiency industry.