
Energy Saving Myths and Their Alternatives

Jan 9, 2019

We are all trying to find new and innovative ways to save energy in our homes, which could ultimately save us some money. But sometimes those “innovative” practices we find on the internet or hear from our friends aren’t exactly putting extra change in our wallets or cutting down the energy usage in our homes. So which methods work and which don’t? Let’s bust some myths and figure out some ways to actually save energy and money!    

Myth #1: Replacing Windows is a Good Investment for Energy Savings

  Myth 1- Replacing Windows is a Good Investment for Energy SavingsThis is not necessarily true. While, yes, replacing windows with glass that is thick and tinted could eventually save energy and cut down bills, the amount you’d be spending on those windows definitely will not out weigh the benefits.   Instead: Rather than spending hundreds or even thousands of dollars on window glass replacements, try having window film installed instead! Window film and its installation costs significantly less and can do a lot for energy savings and heat prevention in your home.    

Myth #2: Electric Space Heaters Use Less Energy

  Myth 2- Electric Space Heaters Use Less EnergyActually, using a space heater or two will use even more energy than heating your home through your central air system. They use a lot of electricity which can really amp up your bills if you’re using them constantly throughout the colder seasons.   Instead: If your home is cold, it will be better on your wallet and your air system to simply let your home heat up slowly. While you may have to opt for some blankets and sweaters for an hour or two, it’ll be much more cost effective to allow your home to heat up by slowly increasing the temperature on your thermostat.    

Myth #3: Keeping the Ceiling Fan Running Will Cool a Room More Quickly

  Myth 3- Keeping the Ceiling Fan Running Will Cool a Room More QuicklyContrary to popular belief, a ceiling fan doesn’t help your air conditioning unit to cool a room more quickly, or allow it to work less. A fan makes us THINK we are cooler because the air circulating touches our skin and makes us believe the room is cool. However, keeping a fan running doesn’t actually cool a room, just the area around it. In fact, keeping it running will cost more than allowing your air conditioning to slowly cool a room on its own.     Instead: Only use a fan while you are in a room. It’s more for your comfort rather than energy efficiency. Just like slowly heating an area, slowly cool an area with your air conditioner. Bring down the temperature by a degree or two every hour. Once the room is cool, turn off your fan.  

Myth #4: Washing Dishes by Hand Uses Less (Heated) Water Than a Dishwasher

    Myth 4- Washing Dishes by Hand Uses Less (Heated) Water Than a DishwasherWell, not exactly. Actually, allowing the hot water to run as you clean the dishes uses more water and forces your water heater to work more quickly than running the dishwasher.   Instead: Most modern dishwashers are very water and energy efficient. Letting the dishwasher work on its own will use less energy than handwashing your dishes and allowing hot water to continuously run. Take advantage of your appliances in your home, especially your dishwasher.

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