
Why You Should Service Your Air Conditioner

Jun 12, 2018

With warmer temperatures, you've probably noticed an increase in running your home air conditioning unit and higher monthly energy bills. Home cooling costs for United States’ homeowners is an average of $11 billion annually. Per household, average cooling costs make up 6% of the entire electric bill. By properly maintaining your AC unit throughout the year and scheduling an annual checkup with a professional technician, you can cut down on your cooling costs and will have a longer lasting cooling unit.    

AC Useful Life

  AC Useful LifeThere are several types of air conditioners, with the most common being room cooling systems and central AC units. Room air conditioners have a 10 to 15 year lifespan and central air conditioners have a 20 year useful life. By providing the proper maintenance to your air conditioning units, you will maximize its efficiency which will also maximize the appliance’s useful life.    

Change the Filter

  Change the FilterTo ensure that your air conditioning unit is working as efficiently and effectively as possible, routinely change your air filters. The air filter is a component in cooling systems that needs to be changed frequently. Hair, pet fur, dust, dirt, leaves, and any other debris can leave you with a dirty and clogged filter. How frequently you change your air filter depends on several factors including pets and allergies. Typically filters can be changed every other month; however with pets and/or allergies, your air filter could need to be replaced every 30 to 45 days. A clean air filter will make your unit operate efficiently and can save you five to 15% on your energy bill.    

Call a Professional

  Call a ProfessionalAn annual air conditioning technician will check to make sure everything within the unit is running properly. Spring is a good time of year to make this appointment. You can beat the mid-summer rush of people who later discover a faulty cooling system and desperately need assistance. The professional technician will be able to check the refrigerant level and check for any leaks. They should be able to identify any minor issues that, if not noticed at an early stage, could become large, costly repairs in the future.   Air conditioning units reduce the moisture in your home and keep you living comfortable during those hotter months. Routinely maintain your air conditioner so that it will use less energy to cool your home and cut down on your electric expenses.

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