
Blocking UV Light with Madico Films

Blocking UV Light with Madico Films

Sep 21, 2022

Q: I know your films block UV light but do they block both UVA and UVB?

If your customers are asking you about films that reduce harmful Ultraviolet (UV) rays, then the best time to bring this up is when you are discussing film options. This is where you can, ahem, shine a light on the topic, provide them new information they may not be aware of, and outline the various options available for their project.

Every manufacturer reports the total amount of UV light that their products block.  Ultraviolet light is light that is within sunlight that has a shorter wavelength than the visible light.  There are three different subtypes of UV light.  UVA, UVB, and UVC.

Ultraviolet A (UVA) has a longer wavelength, between 320 nm to 380 nm. UVA transmits through the atmosphere, and, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, is a key cause of skin looking aged. UVA rays, while slightly less intense than UVB, penetrate your skin more deeply. Exposure causes genetic damage to cells on the innermost part of your top layer of skin, where most skin cancers occur. UVA is everywhere. UVA accounts for up to 95 percent of the UV radiation reaching the earth. These rays keep the same level of strength during daylight hours throughout the year.

Ultraviolet B (UVB) has a shorter wavelength, between 290 nm to 320 nm. UVB is partially absorbed by the atmosphere (Ozone layer), and is associated with the skin burning with prolonged exposure to the Sun. UVB penetrates and damages the outermost layers of your skin. Overexposure causes suntan, sunburn and, in severe cases, blistering. UVB intensity fluctuates. While the sun’s rays are strongest and pose the highest risk late-morning to mid-afternoon from spring to fall in temperate climates and even greater timespans in tropical climates.

Ultraviolet C (UVC) has even shorter wavelengths, between 100 nm to 290 nm. UVC is completely absorbed by the atmosphere (Ozone layer). UVC is used for disinfection in water and air systems. Specialized bulbs produce the UVC light to kill microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses, molds, and other pathogens.

How is it measured:

Madico tests and reports according to NFRC standards, these reference ISO 9050:2003 as the method for measuring UV transmittance between 300 and 380nm

The UV-transmittance of glazing is the fraction of the incident solar radiation transmitted by the glazing in the 300 nm to 380 nm range (UV-B range from 300 nm to 315 nm and UV-A range from 315 nm to 380 nm).

Using the NFRC method Madico films are 99% or greater on average in UV rejection.

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