
Home, Garden and Design Show Tips for Dealers

Maximize your investment as a show exhibitor!

Jul 7, 2015

Home, garden and design shows are a great place to market your window film products and professional installation services to consumers. Follow some of our suggested tips below to connect with these potential customers and maximize your investment as a show exhibitor.

Your Booth… Your Marketplace

Your Booth…Your MarketplaceThere are many options available these days for exhibition booth displays. A simple fabric, pop-up display can be a good choice in terms of ease of use, affordability and low maintenance. If a full booth display is not a viable option, simple fabric, pop-up banner stands can also make a strong impact. Show visitors are often inclined to overload themselves with product literature, even though most of it ends up in their trash can. Rather than keeping all of your literature out on the table, present it only when discussing a particular product or service to help support your conversation. Placing a pitch book on your booth’s table that shows pictures of your work, letters and referrals from satisfied customers, and any certifications you may have earned can also be a beneficial tool.

Product Demonstrations

Product DemonstrationsThe utilization of a heat lamp and glass samples, both tinted with Sunscape window film and clear, is a great way to demonstrate how well window film products really work. A simple feel of the heat on a visitor’s hand behind a clear glass sample versus behind the tinted glass sample is a quick and effective way to demonstrate the benefits of your product.

Collect Leads via a Contest

Collect Leads via a ContestEveryone likes to win! Hosting a raffle can be a great way to attract people to your booth, engage with them and collect their contact information. It is recommended that your prize be a free film installation rather than an electronic device or gift card. By offering a film installation as the prize you will keep your pool of contestants limited to those who are actually interested in your products and not just out to win prizes. While there will only be one winner, you now have a database of people to contact that you know have some interest in window film. When contacting them after the show, thank them for taking the time to stop by your booth and even offer an exclusive show discount if they schedule an estimate that day. Anyway you spin it you have created multiple contacts and multiple opportunities to sell your products and services.

Present a Professional and Knowledgeable Image

Present a Professional and Knowledgeable ImageBe on top of your game. Choose people to man your booth that represent your company well and are strong greeters and speakers. Rather than sitting inside the booth waiting for someone to approach your table, stand up in front and present yourself as welcoming and approachable. If you are the business owner, let people know as most consumers prefer to deal with the owner. And remember people do business with people!

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