
How is Window Film Installed

Installing window film is best left to the expertise of an authorized Madico[reg] dealer. Here's a quick overview

By: David Smith

Oct 13, 2018

Installing window film is best left to the expertise of an authorized Madico[reg] dealer. Here's a quick overview of how it's done professionally.

How is Window Film Installed? | Madico U - YouTube


(00:01) [Applause] [Music] how is window film installed let me first say that although medical professional window film dealers make installing window film look easy the process of becoming really good at it can take at least a few years to master so as always medical u recommends don't try this at home okay the process starts with the Installer thoroughly cleaning your windows to remove even the smallest particles of dirt a piece of film is cut roughly to the size of your window whether for an automotive installation

(00:38) or a window installation for home or commercial property the Installer removes a protective release liner and sprays the application solution on the film's adhesive to activate it the application solution is also spread on the window to which the film will be applied then the film is installed on the glass and the Installer squeegees all the application solution out from between the glass and film the Installer will also do some final edge trimming to ensure the film fits perfectly [Music]

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