
Daylight Exposure Important in the Workplace

This video explains the health and productivity benefits of natural light in office environments, highlighting how window film can balance beneficial sunlight while reducing glare and harmful UV rays.

By: David Smith

Oct 13, 2018

There are dozens of reasons to install window film on the windows of a workplace. More comfort for the workers and greater productivity are great places to start.

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Daylight Exposure Important in the Workplace | Madico U - YouTube


(00:01) [Applause] [Music] what office worker out there at some point in their ambitious career ever thought I don't want that corner office with a spectacular view said no one ever unless you're a vampire most people who work in an office environment really appreciate that view to the outside or at least having natural lights spill into their space what most of us don't know is that natural light has been proven to be important to our health it makes us happier healthier and actually helps us sleep better okay so

(00:38) let's say you have a potential customer building a new office building good news for that person he or she can plan on window schemes and skylight fixtures all day long strategically placing them throughout the space to the delight of all the building's occupants let's toast with some champagne your older building owners more often than not will have to deal with the hand they're dealt in terms of location and number of windows they currently have where everyone falls on this spectrum this struggle is going to be how do we

(01:09) find the right balance of letting in beneficial rays of Sun you know the ones that make us happy and put a skip in our step versus the annoying glare and harmful UV radiation we could certainly live without well-being this is matakohe you I'm certain you see where this is headed once again window film is the solution to this dilemma allowing the building occupants the benefits of the sun's natural light while filtering out the damaging and bothersome rays and what's really wonderful besides the cool

(01:39) comfortable space window films create by rejecting heat from the outside is that these busy movers and shakers will be free to open the office blinds and let the Sun Shine in not only to improve productivity but to improve nighttime sleep as well for more information about the benefits of daylight exposure in the office check the download content that accompanies this video [Music]

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