
Managing the Sun’s Heat with Window Film

Discusses the various benefits of window film, including reducing glare, enhancing comfort, providing energy savings, and protecting against harmful UV rays and heat, while also emphasizing the importance of educating customers on these long-term benefits.

By: David Smith

Oct 13, 2018

Window film may be best known for reducing glare and making interior environments more comfortable. As time passes, there are a lot more benefits than meets the eye.

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Managing the Sun's Heat with Window Film | Madico U - YouTube


(00:01) [Applause] [Music] what are some of the most effective ways to sell window film you show a customer the picture of a beautiful home installed with window film they see the beautiful home but do they see the film or even realize what it does here at matakohe you understand that window film may be difficult to sell because everything it does can't be captured in a snapshot of time save for its aesthetic beauty but given time you see the impact when it's absent the faded furnishings the burglarized home the

(00:37) wrinkles skin and if you're not careful even skin cancer your job is to impress upon your prospects the importance of window film sure it offers Beauty to homes commercial buildings office interiors and automobiles those are immediate tangibles so check the boxes for them security aesthetics privacy safety from shattering glass then listing intangibles those things not realize until the passage of time the energy savings that keep interior spaces cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter the harmful health effects

(01:09) of damaged skin and eye strain from glare how does window film control the effects of heat on the interior of a building or automobile through reflection absorption or the combination of both the sun's rays are composed of three types of energy visible light and infrared and ultraviolet energy that we can't see but can only feel be ready to explain these concepts to your prospects and press upon them the sophistication and technology of matica window film help them see what they can't without the benefit of time and for more

(01:43) information on how window film manages the sun's heat check the download content that accompanies this video [Music]

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