
What Type of Energy Savings Can I Expect for My Home or Office?

What Type of Energy Savings Can I Expect for My Home or Office?

By: David Smith

Oct 13, 2018

Along with the aesthetic beauty and comfort window film offers, energy savings may be the leading reason to consider window film.

What Type of Energy Savings Can I Expect for My Home or Office? | Madico U - YouTube


(00:01) [Applause] [Music] for all the many benefits window films offer one of the leading reasons customers choose window film is for the significant energy savings window film provides when the weather is warm window film can reduce air conditioning costs and save on lighting costs by reducing solar heat gain while still letting in natural light when it's cold outside window film can retain interior heat saving on heating costs in existing commercial structures the energy savings achieved by window film can offer a

(00:38) payback in less than two years or up to a 70 percent ROI depending on factors such as construction location and type of film used window films can block up to 86 percent of the sun's heat a significant reduction of the sun's heat aids in a building's energy efficiency as less energy is needed from the HVAC cooling system saving up to 30 percent of a building's cooling costs the international window film Association a non-profit group issued a comprehensive analysis of window film and found it to

(01:10) be the most cost effective energy-saving choice for Californians when used in retrofit applications on homes and buildings through an independent study california-based console reported that after installing window film on existing structures window film provided better energy savings compared to traditional energy saving measures such as HVAC system updates air sealing and caulking and adding r38 ceiling insulation console followed many of the same informational processes that the California Energy Commission utilizes in

(01:42) determining energy savings so the verdict is in choose window films by matakohe and your wallet will thank you for it [Music]

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