More than 50% of skin cancers in the U.S. occur on the left side of the body, by sun exposure via the car’s driver-side and back windows. Alarming? Sure. Preventable? Let’s see.
Window Film Fights Skin Cancer | Madico U - YouTube
(00:01) [Applause] [Music] here's the matakohe you lesson on fighting skin cancer did you know that more than 50% of skin cancers in the US occur on the left side of the body you know why because the left side of a driver's body is what's exposed to the Sun via the cars driver side and back windows alarming sure preventable I wouldn't try attaching a parasol to your car skin cancer is referred to as a lifestyle disease we spent a lot of time in outdoor activities so between protective clothing wearing a
(00:36) hat and sunglasses and sunscreen you can minimize your chances of contracting skin cancer not always practical you say for car drivers here's an easier solution install window film on your customers car windows not only does it screen out 99% of the sun's harmful UV rays as a bonus it also keeps the car interior more comfortable reduces glare and looks really cool it can even help reduce the risk of premature skin aging to save on all that wrinkle cream for more information about the healthy impact of window film sun protection as
(01:10) it relates to preventing skin cancer check the download content that accompanies this video [Music]