
Automotive Window Film Installation – Side Window

Automotive Window Film Installation – Side Window

By: David Smith

Sep 8, 2020

This video teaches how to install Madico window film to an automotive side window. The instructor explains the tools you'll need as well as the steps to take to prepare and install the film properly.

Automotive Window Film Installation Training - Side Window | Madico U - YouTube


(00:00) [Music] how's everybody doing today my name is Shawn Fawcett today we're gonna be showing you a basic install for a front door window using 32 percent matakohe film as you progress in your install methods you will learn other methods to install the film but today I'll be showing you just one method to install the film so let's get started now before we get started these are some of the basic tools you'll be using for your install there are many tools available to you so please consult your matakohe

(00:32) distributor Center for a full list for today's install we'll be using medicos 35% charcoal window film I roll down the window just a little bit give it a spray come back with your squeegee give it a squeegee along the top and all the way down as far as you can go then give it a white off along the top edge and then down then roll the window back up give it a squeegee finish off the bottom and then wipe down your edges and now that your window is clean you're gonna come back with your tape measure I'm gonna

(01:22) measure it out want to cut a little bit bigger than the window is in size wise and this is gonna be roughly 34 inches you measure lower to our cutting table and cut a piece of film [Music] for this install we're going to be cutting off a 40 inch roll since we don't need a 40 inch roll for the side window there's a little trick you can use is to cut the roll in half and take a razor blade you're going to measure across the box 20 inches they're going to apply it in at a slight angle I'm straight getting

(01:58) pretty good so it holds in place I'm gonna come back measure out your length we say there's about 34 inches kind of lay down your tape measure so you can see where you need to stop and you want to get the film underneath the blade and then slowly pull it up and out you're gonna grab your your knife give it a cut right off to the side and do the same thing with the other then you had your two pieces of film cut for you two front doors we're going to give the window they spray down the unrolled place the

(02:52) film on the window and at this point you're going to determine on whether the film needs to be bigger or smaller that will be determined by the shape of the window from inside to the outside so we'll do a front cut down from the front tear the film away you can also do I'm gonna get off some of the excess to get that out of the way also then we're going to come back to the back side of the window and we're going to cut down and then tear it away from the film you want to lift up the bottom piece of the

(03:36) film bring it down just a little bit so we can get up below the rubber when we do the install you want to give a quick set on the film so when you open the door to roll the window down the window will not move on your film won't move on you open the door hold it back a little bit come back and at a slight angle you're gonna take cut along the top part of the window all the way across pull up and away from the window most of your side windows nowadays are gonna be slightly curved so the film is not going

(04:23) to lay nice and smoothly on the window so what we're gonna do is we're going to the heat-shrink method and it's actually going to contour the film so it curves to the glass what you're going to want to do is take your squeegee out you want to set the back corner I'm going to come down give a little bit of a tug down the back side of the film come across the top and do the same thing a little bit of a tug come around and you want to set the film and come down then you see the little fingers at the bottom if you

(04:58) don't do this now they can be a real nightmare after the fact so we'll come we'll get our heat gun and you will put apply some heat to the finger and then slowly push it down work her way across start from the top to the bottom [Applause] I'm just kind of working your way back and forth [Applause] you want to be careful when you get to the front you want to protect the front part of the film because if you hit it with a heat gun you'll curl it and then it won't be any good anymore we're going

(05:51) to take the film out that we sprayed it down lay it up on the glass come back with our knife and you can use one of your squeegees or card cards that you have so you can follow the line and remember a light cut now if it doesn't cut with a light cut it means your blade is dull I'm gonna go ahead and break it off sharp blades remember sharp blades one cut one blade you're up there cut off and it peels off much nicer now come back the other way and give it a slight little curve you want to come back to

(06:33) the front part and give that a slight little curve also then take your film and flip it around and do the exact same thing to the other side kind of hold it up there give a cut I said a bad cut I'm gonna do it this way then come around with a cut gonna come and give the window and I spray down on the inside I want to make sure that there are no stickers or anything on the glass after all you want to take your razor knife your razor blade and give them a scrape off now you want to take your scrubby pad give the

(07:18) window a scrub down and get all the dirt a little bit of debris off the window roll it down again so you can get to the top and clean along the edge give it a spray again take your rag give a wipe down to the top just if there's anything up there you don't want it falling into the film you're gonna take your squeegee get right along the top of the glass and then come down and keep going from the front to the back until it's cleaned all the way across you're going to take your sprayer again and give it a spray down

(08:02) the front down the bottom and then down the back side and then give it a spray [Music] now that we're back at our piece of film give it a spray down on the outside take your knife come to the edge of the film and you're gonna tuck it in between the liner and the film and pull it down as you're pulling you want to give the film a good good spray if any of your fingers are cleaning just gonna walk over to the car give the film a slight beloso the bottom of the film sticks start sticking to the glass keep the top from hitting

(08:59) the top of the window as much as possible then slowly bring it in and tuck it down and then just let it fall up so it gets to the edge of the glass and winter in that position you can look at your edges make sure it's even all the way across or front the back grab your squeegee you want to hold the front part of the film you have a kind of a light squeegee across not too hard and then as you get toward the bottom you can give a little bit harder squeegee to set the film a little bit better all the while you want to be making sure that

(09:39) it's not moving on you so you can readjust it if you need to come back with another squeegee and finish off your fronts and then go up just leave you the water from the top same with the back up holding the film so does it move on you roll it up push everything down grab another squeegee so you can get down below below the molding all the way across right down door panel and the inside don't rub too hard because the film hasn't set up yet you

(10:47) don't want to move it before it does that they're going to come back out to the outside of the window give it again a quick spray and so we can check for any imperfections blemishes stuff that may be underneath there that you need to get out before it sets up I hope you found this very informative if you'd like more information on training and also our products please contact us [Music]

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