
Webinar: Introduction to Clearplex

The webinar introduces ClearPlex® Windshield Protection Film by discussing its specifications, benefits, target markets, installation details, and growth opportunities while emphasizing its value in protecting windshields from damage, especially for luxury vehicles and those with advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS).

By: David Smith

Apr 10, 2020

Learn more about ClearPlex® windshield protection film along with key selling strategies for this lucrative product in this 40 minute training. ClearPlex is perfect for luxury cars, cars with ADAS equipped windshields as well as fleet vehicles.

Read the Mitchell Report

Webinar Introduction to Clearplex - YouTube


(00:02) all right hi everybody this is David Jensen I am the sales development manager for ClearPlex I want to welcome everybody to Matic O's April webinar series the topic of today's presentation is introduction to ClearPlex windshield protection film all right so let's let's get it started so first just want to preface we're gonna be playing a video that answers the question what is windshield protection film a please place please pay close attention to the video as it's going to highlight ClearPlex product specification performance data and other information so here goes the video you

(01:52) all right so that's the video the reason why I wanted to show this video is that I hope after viewing the video we can all clearly see that ClearPlex is an exterior applied windshield protection film this is in contrast to the interior applied automotive films it also kind of covers a little bit of the installation procedure we're not going to go too much into detail on the installation procedure for ClearPlex during this presentation that is going to be covered on April 29th when we present a full-length ClearPlex

(02:22) Institute installation tutorial webinar also this video is something that any of our dealers can have in their shops so if you guys have a monitor or something and you would like this video on loop this video is available just reach out to your either domestic or international sales representative and they can get you a file for this video that you can play in your shop so moving on I want to give you an overview of the history of ClearPlex so the concept of ClearPlex windshield protection film came about in 2005 from

(02:57) a group of PhD professors from Brigham Young University in Provo Utah after a period of time spent in R&D in perfecting the products construction and characteristics these professors contacted several different window film manufacturers to see who would be best suited to manufacture this innovative new product after careful deliberation in 2006 matica was selected as the manufacturing partner shortly thereafter a patent was filed in 2007 which was later awarded in 2011 domestic and international sales then started in 20

(03:33) 2008 and 2009 respectively 2010 through 2015 saw dramatic growth of ClearPlex as well as the formal issuing of our three patents the next not next takes us to 2016 2016 was a really significant year for ClearPlex that was a year that ClearPlex was acquired by Madico after the Madico acquisition ClearPlex continued to see tremendous growth both domestically and internationally and looking forward to 2020 and beyond we expect to maintain our place as the world leader of windshield protection film so what really does set ClearPlex apart

(04:13) first and foremost and ClearPlex and Madico first and foremost we are the manufacturer so what exactly does this mean we take raw Goods and in the case of ClearPlex raw polyester and we create a finished goods and in this case ClearPlex during the manufacturing process the raw polyester that becomes ClearPlex goes through our in-house coating laminating machines to add the adhesive scratch resistant topcoat and solar properties to create the finished product also the fact that all of our manufacturing is in-house ensures that

(04:48) we have total control over product quality and also regarding supply chain we can ensure that our supply chain is always full because we were able to manage the inventory from the raw goods in our plant to the finished goods in our shipping warehouse and on to the customer we also have our own in-house R&D department which is focused on continually improving our existing product as well as developing new products.

Furthermore Madico has made significant investments in the future just this year we finalized our move into a new 50 million dollar production facility in Pinellas Park Florida which has increased our production capacity and monitor modernized all of our production lines regarding financial security Madico is a fully owned subsidiary of LINTEC corporation  a multi-billion

(05:52) dollar Japanese corporation with operations around the world LINTEC’s financial investment in Madico ensures that Madico will continue to be a major player as a manufacturer in the window phone market for the foreseeable future moving on Madico has formal partnerships with vendor focused associations like SEMA international window film association and European window film association we have also made efforts to align ourselves with prominent consumer focused associations one particular association is the

(06:25) Porsche Club of America Madico attends the PCAs Porsche Club of America's annual Porsche parade to promote our whole range of automotive products and build brand awareness directly with the consumer furthermore we have made significant investments in product testing to receive formal government approvals most recently in March of 2020 we received en for five five four five certification for ClearPlex en four five five four five is a flame spread certification that is a required certification a product must receive to

(07:00) be sold in two governmental transit authorities so what does this all mean this means that Madico spend significant time money and energy to ensure that our products have the correct certificates and approvals that will allow our dealers to target every possible market so now I want to go over the ClearPlex product product specifications and performance data on the right is a diagram showing the construction of ClearPlex starting with the adhesive we use a removable acrylic pressure-sensitive adhesive we use this

(07:39) type of adhesive with ClearPlex because when it comes time to remove ClearPlex the removable PS a pressure-sensitive adhesive will ensure that there is minimal to no adhesive residue left on the glass also the removable PSA helps make the removal process quick and easy next we have the 4 mil single ply polyester film due to ClearPlex being a film applied to the windshield of an automobile it is essential that the film has exceptional optical clarity and minimal optical distortion constructing ClearPlex out out of a single ply film

(08:14) and curbs ensures that we achieve both of these things finally we have the exterior scratch resistant coating this is the coating that allows ClearPlex to withstand abrasions from the windshield wiper I want to point out some additional specific product specs and performance data the VLT of ClearPlex is 90% additionally ClearPlex rejects 99.

(08:38) 9% of UV and the last specification that I want to identify is the Tabor abrasion resistance rating on the table abrasion resistance test ClearPlex has a rating of 0.3 to 0.5 percent and that is a measurement of the Delta haze or the change that a product has after undergoing the abrasion test the lower the percentage the better of a pill a film performs in regards to abrasion resistance ClearPlex outperforms any windshield protection film on the market in this test and it is this test that indicates how the film will perform

(09:15) against abrasions from windshield wipers so moving on we're gonna get really into the meat of this presentation talking about the target markets for ClearPlex and how to sell to these markets so I kind of like to explain our target market says what is the low-hanging fruit what is the easiest market to sell ClearPlex to and first and foremost that's your luxury vehicles so this is everything from supercars exotics to your BMWs Audi's and Porsches and and other similar manufacturers and why is it that these are your low-hanging fruit

(09:54) and why is it easy to sell ClearPlex to these to these customers well one they have expensive windshields that justify the cost of ClearPlex so these are windshields that have a replacement cost that are at such a high rate that they easily exceed the cost of installing ClearPlex and usually by a factor of three four or five times the cost of one wing of one ClearPlex replacement also these are owners that understand the value of protecting these vehicles so for example if you're a shop that offers paint protection film you're gonna have

(10:30) an extremely easy time upselling ClearPlex to these owners because they're gonna be coming into your shop already expecting to spend a significant amount of money you know if they're getting a ceramic coating a paint protection film job it's it's very feasible and reasonable to expect that they'd be walking out with a ticket in the thousands and ClearPlex would make up a small portion of that overall ticket so this is why we like to identify that this is definitely the target the target

(11:02) customer that you should always be pitching ClearPlex to and here are some examples of installations from different customers around the US and the world so next staying within personal vehicles we're gonna be talking about vehicles that are equipped with a dass windshields if you're not familiar with what a dash stands for ADA stands for advanced driver assistance systems so this is anything on the car that automates your driving experience and in regards to windshields it means cars that have things like adaptive cruise

(11:39) control lane departure warning and front collision warning what we are seeing is a das technology is becoming a standard feature among mid market manufacturers according to a report generated by Mitchell and Mitchell is a an organization that provides the latest updates on industry trends within a variety of different industries including the automotive aftermarket accessories industry suit most all 2019 and newer Subarus are going to come equipped with a DES technology the specific number is between 80 to 90% of

(12:14) all Subarus are going to be are going to be come equipped with 8s windshield technology why this is important to use a test windshield replacement costs hover around 13 to 16 hundred dollars per windshield and the reason for that is there are now different factors that come into play when replacing these windshields it's no longer just the cost of glass it's the cost of recalibrating these very precise sensors that sit within the glass what we're seeing is that other mid-market manufacturers are

(12:46) following following suit so it's not just Subaru we're seeing Honda and Toyota and Kia and Hyundai and other mid market manufacturers starting to offer a Tass windshield technology as a standard feature across their line of vehicles so really what this means is that the mid-market car windshield replacement costs are increasing which in turn means there's a huge new target market opportunity for ClearPlex we're gonna go in a little bit in a couple other slides we're gonna talk about how you

(13:18) should price ClearPlex and when we get into talking about how we should how you should price ClearPlex that is how you're going to see why there's such a new target market due to the rise of a TAS enabled windshields so also if you do want to get the data for yourself when we share this presentation on Madico you below that is a link directly to the Mitchell report that cites all of this data okay moving on so for for still staying in the personal vehicle market you also have off-road vehicles and

(13:56) recreational vehicles so the reason why these are a great target market for ClearPlex or one these are flat windshields that are prone to breaking there are large and generally expensive windshields especially talking in reference to the recreational vehicles they're hard to source they're difficult to replace and finally they're easy to install and the reason why they're easy to install goes back to the first point they're they are flat windshields and if they curved they generally just curve on

(14:26) one plane which minimizes the amount of heat shrinking will cry required to get the film to conform to the windshield so now I'm going to cover the key selling points for personal vehicles and then after this we're going to cover it the second target market which is commercial vehicles so really first and foremost you have to sell to the correct market you have to understand which customers are going to be receptive to windshield protection film so it's going to be the luxury and the aid s market

(15:02) that you're gonna be coming in contact with most frequently these are gonna be the customers that are walking into your shop looking for your tint packages your ceramic coating packages and your paint protection film packages it's going to be a little less likely that you run into our V customers and maybe off-road customers so this is where you really need to gear yourself and pitch ClearPlex to is the luxury and the 8s customers you have to explain the benefits of ClearPlexi and why you have to do this is windshield protection film

(15:34) is still a fairly new product when you compare it to any of the other automotive aftermarket accessory products like tint or paint protection film windshield protection film our windshield protection film was introduced decades later than any of these other products so it's essential to educate the customer on why they need windshield protection film and when you do this you have to clearly define and explain the benefits so first customers will always say how is this going to affect my driving well ClearPlex being

(16:09) 90% VLT and a single ply film it's going to be absolutely optically clear it's going to be nearly invisible to the naked eye customers will not know it's there it will not impact their visibility and it will not cause optical distortions also you have to just confirm that it cost significantly less than replacing the windshield and this is especially important when you're talking about our target our target markets and finally it maintains the vehicle's om structural integrity so a windshield is responsible for a

(16:46) vehicle's structural integrity to a certain percentage in both front-end collision and a rollover collision every time you replace a windshield that structural integrity gets compromised and thus the windshields ability to perform in the way that the manufacturer intends is compromised so hitting on all three of those points should really get across to the customer why windshield protection film is something that's a necessity for their vehicle and not an option you finally you have to price correctly and

(17:21) this is really essential so around the country and really worldwide and for any of the international attendees on this presentation all of these numbers are in US dollars we see on average that most people will will charge around 450 to 550 for a ClearPlex installation with a premium for supercars or cars with a higher degree of difficulty and the reason for this is you have to compensate for either additional labor time for those cars with additional difficulty like a Tesla or a Corvette or also compensate for the fact that you

(17:58) that you you know have to be a little bit more careful during the heat shrinking on supercars that have expensive gaskets or expensive things that if they do get damaged you have to you know compensate for that during the installation so why do you want a price around this price point so I just kind of want to bring bring back the point that I mentioned earlier which is what was the average windshield replacement cost for an a Tass windshield and that was sitting right around $1500 so if you price ClearPlex between 450 to 550

(18:32) you're pricing at about the third of the replacement cost for a windshield for an eighth ass and equipped windshield and when you segment your customers between luxury supercars and 8s your aid us windshield customers are going to have windshields on the lower end of that spectrum so if you're pricing ClearPlex so it's justified to a to the target customer that has the lowest windshield replacement cost it is definitely going to be justified to the customer that has the highest windshield replacement cost

(19:08) also this is going to make make it so you have a much better chance of selling to daily drivers and then that's where you're gonna really be getting the volume of your sales is selling to daily drivers selling to the Subaru owners selling to the Tesla owners and whatnot so making sure that you're pricing this correctly which then will allow that customer to justify getting ClearPlex and also justify getting ClearPlex not once but maybe two three or four times before they get to the cost of replacing their

(19:39) windshield once it's very important that you get customers to understand this and understand how the cost of one ClearPlex installation compares to the cost of one windshield replacement many customers do not make this correlation and the reason for that is a lot of customers don't understand how expensive their windshields are to replace in the first place this ADIS windshield technology has just recently been introduced in the past year or two so many customers if they've replaced a windshield their a their their past

(20:13) experience it might have been a small deductible or it might have been a couple hundred dollars even if they were paying out of pocket and that is completely different now so if they hear that ClearPlex is five hundred dollars they might immediately turn away from that but that's when you have to educate them on what the real cost for replacing their windshields are so moving on to commercial vehicles you we segment commercial vehicles out as fleet vehicles like buses rental cars delivery trucks trains and specialty

(20:48) vehicles these are all four examples of real world fleets that utilize ClearPlex so in the top left corner this is the Melbourne metro train Authority that's an example of long-haul train city metro trains light rail examples that you can go after with ClearPlex then we also have fleet vehicles like buses we have the Copenhagen Denmark Muni bus system that utilizes ClearPlex then we have specialty vehicles like city service vehicles for example garbage trucks or in the case on the bottom left hand corner Norway mining

(21:27) company which is responsible for much of the road building that happens in Norway so these are kind of outside of the probably traditional scope of who you would consider receiving ClearPlex or Ernst or going after with ClearPlex but these are great target customers for the following reason all of these vehicles are revenue generators for businesses so if these vehicles are out of commission their downtime companies can draw a direct line from downtime to lost revenue for that for those specific businesses also generally these are

(22:00) expensive and hard to source windshields commercial windshield replacement insurances where is very rare additionally these vehicles could be located in areas that are just simply difficult to get to especially in the case of a mining or specialty equipment vehicle and then finally there is an eco fer there's the green green initiative that you can sell to many companies and governmental agencies nowadays are very aware of their their you know footprint so ClearPlex is an eco alternative tune on or set to throwing away non

(22:38) recyclable windshield glass so both windshield all automotive glass is completely non recyclable so if automotive glass either tempered side window glass or rear glass for windshield glass if it does get broken it goes right into landfill so educating your customers on these aspects will get them to understand why ClearPlex is something they really need and will help you in your selling effort in pitching ClearPlex to these customers these next two slides I'm not going to get into too much detail on them because there are

(23:11) two different case studies for ClearPlex in the commercial fleet vehicle sector when this presentation gets posted - Madico you I recommend everybody just to take a look at these two different case studies the first case study is a theoretical case study which is based off of numbers that are generated from element fleet which is another industry-leading resource that provides industry updates so this is just a theoretical case study for a thousand fleet operation that has 590 total downtime events per unit per year

(23:50) that sort of a fleet of that size can expect to be spending nearly six hundred thousand dollars of lost revenue due to downtime and you can use the formula on this slide to then apply it to similar fleets that might be in your local area what you would have to find out is how many windshield breakages that fleet experiences per year and then you can use the formula that we have on this slide to then educate that customer on what sort of windshield replacement cost they are incurring that they might not realize they're incurring next is a

(24:28) real-world case this is from one of our distributor or from our distributor in Hungary this is a ClearPlex program that they started in 2014 they are protecting about 450 buses per year they've saved about 1.5 1.6 million euros total through 2019 which equates to 315 thousand US dollars saved per year on the ClearPlex longevity on these on these buses is close to 200 thousand kilometres in two years and I'm gonna go into why phlex tends to last longer on fleets in a couple other slides and so why why did

(25:12) they decide to go with ClearPlex well the average windshield lifespan is less than one year so ClearPlex was able to extend the lifespan of those windshields by more than double and because these the hungary government does annual inspections any bus with a broken windshield is taken out of commission and that of course leads to the lost revenue due to downtime but when you have a chance and you're able to view this presentation please do so so you can get more information and by the time this gets uploaded we're also going to

(25:45) be uploading we're going to be adding two to three other case studies that cover a variety of the different examples that we gave so specialty equipment metro trains and buses and whatnot okay so moving into the ClearPlex warranty and then also the longevity of the film so the warranty of ClearPlex is in eighteen months eighteen thousand mile warranty this covers things like delamination adhesive failure yellowing bubbling crackling cracking things like that the the way that I always like to explain the ClearPlex warranty is it's

(26:24) designed identical to like a paint protection film warranty and that the warranty is on the film itself and it's not on the underlying surface so we don't we don't offer any glass breakage warranty similar to how paint protection film doesn't offer any protection a warranty or guarantee to the underlying paint surface going into longevity when you talk about longevity you really have to segment it out on what ClearPlex is being installed on so on a daily driver for a personal vehicle and keep in mind

(26:54) this is all assuming that the end consumer is following our aftercare instructions ClearPlex has routinely been seen to last upwards of 18 to 24 months on something that would be more so a weekend driver upwards of two plus years we've had many instances of attending to Porsche parade and seeing ClearPlex that has lasted four or five years on fleet vehicles what we traditionally see is that ClearPlex lasts one-and-a-half to two times the mileage driven lifespan of a personally owned vehicle so it's not because clear

(27:33) Plex lasts one-and-a-half to two times the life span or or performs better on fleet vehicles the reason is a fleet manager is generally interested in how the film performs then how the film looks so as long as the operator is able to operate the vehicle safely and and the film is not you know getting causing any optical distortions or visual issues the fleet manager is going to keep that film on the vehicle as long as the film is protecting the underlying windshield on a personal vehicle they're gonna be a

(28:11) little bit more discerning on on wear and tear so that's that's we just like to point that out when you apply if you go after a fleet account you can be a little bit more aggressive on pitching how long the product is gonna last versus say a Porsche owner or a BMW Audi or a Ferrari really what it comes down to is the contributing factors for longevity or mileage driven and diligence and following aftercare instructions so if if any guys have seen me at SEMA I make this correlation pretty much every single time it seems a little silly at

(28:46) first but I think it's a really good way to get people to understand why mileage driven and diligence and following aftercare instruction makes sense so I always like to compare ClearPlex to tires on a car if you have somebody who drives really hard so they accelerate really hard they brake really hard they drive a lot of miles per year they don't follow the care they don't rotate their tires they're gonna have to change their tires at a higher frequency that somebody that's then somebody that

(29:15) drives a moderate amount of miles per year drives a moderate speed brakes in the right way and rotates their tires and the reason why I like to make this correlation in comparison is it's something that a lot of people have experienced in their own life lifetime right both products are exterior products both products are something that have an intended lifespan and are intended to be replaced at a certain amount of time after a certain amount of time and when that time and what what dictates how long it lasts it really

(29:49) comes down to the specific consumer Halleck how they take care of the product and how many miles of that product is driven so why should you install ClearPlex first it's a high revenue and high profit product it sets you apart from the local competition as we mentioned ClearPlex even though it was introduced 10 years ago it's still a fairly novel and unique product there's not really many places anywhere either domestically in the US or internationally where we are overly saturated in any specific market

(30:24) it it has huge growth potential and and we feel that wind shield protection film has a similar growth potential to that of paint protection film going back to set you apart from local competition the reason why we include that here is there's a level of skill involved in heat forming heat shrinking ClearPlex that takes a little bit of time and dedication so if you put in that time and dedication to really get fluent with how to install ClearPlex and how to install it on a wide range of vehicles that is something that real will really

(30:58) set you apart from a local competition and why should you choose to install ClearPlex compared to other windshield protection films on the market well really it comes down to the fact that Madico is the only company putting forth significant efforts and things like R&D production and sales to grow the windshield protection film market ClearPlex is the only windshield protection film offered in multiple sizes so we offer it in 36 48 60 and 72 this allows you to sell in a commercial markets but it also allows you to be

(31:32) much more efficient when you're selling into the the personal vehicle market many other windshield protection films are only offered in the 48 inch size role so this Porsche right here takes a 36 inch size film so if you were using a 48 inch size roller you would have a pretty sizable amount of waist also here in the US we offer ClearPlex in partial rolls this lowers your front end investment cost so you don't have to invest in a full roll of ClearPlex if you don't want to and then finally being

(32:05) the fact that we are a manufacturer any film that does not meet production specs we set aside as training film and we either offer it complimentary or we offer it at a very very low cost fifty cents a square foot and this allows people the ability to work with the film and not have to be working with the full priced a commercial-grade film when you're learning how to cut heat shrink and install the film additionally we have very robust marketing sales and training support sematic o has our own in-house marketing

(32:42) department here in North America we also have ten regionally located full-time sales reps that are both familiar with how to sell and install the product so in the u.s. we have nine full-time sales representatives and in Canada we have two we our factory direct in all of North America so we have nine strategically located branches seven in the u.s.

(33:06) two in Canada we have one in the northeast of the US one in the southeast in Georgia we have one in Florida two in Texas one in Arizona and one in Southern California and then in Canada we have a West Western Canada in Vancouver and an Eastern Canada branch in Toronto so this right now concludes our presentation and we're gonna move on to questions after this but we hope that this presentation really did a couple things one it identified what sets Madico and what sets ClearPlex specifically apart from any of the other windshield protection films on the

(33:43) market - we hope that we identified and proved to you that there is a very large target market for ClearPlex outside of the luxury vehicle market which is normally assumed to be the only target market for ClearPlex and three we hope we identified that one at a at a price point of about five hundred dollars that is a jut that is a justifiable price point to all of our target markets which means you should be able to sell this product to those customers and make them understand that they can have several ClearPlex installations before they get

(34:20) to the cost of one windshield replacement and then finally that selling ClearPlex will ensure that you make a high profit margin per install so hopefully everybody leaves here feeling having a lot more knowledge about ClearPlex windshield protection film and also that there they have a lot more confidence in offering this product and knowing that this is going to be a great revenue and profit generator for their business and now I will turn it over to Lauren or Karin who will shoot over some questions to me

(34:55) thanks David that was great very informative we have a few questions that came in one was will ClearPlex help reduce froth yes so ClearPlex the surface of ClearPlex as I mentioned has a 9h hardness scratch resistant topcoat that top coat is completely blemish free so it's completely smooth so one it makes it so the build-up of frost is less likely but secondly if there is frost build-up it makes it so the frost is able to be removed much easier okay thank you and kind of in line with that we have someone asking about if you

(35:40) can use how to scrape ice off of a windshield yeah so so we've actually done recent testing over this last winter because our advice in the past was to never use ice scrapers but we understand that that's not completely realistic so you can use ice scrapers we do advise that one you make sure that your ice scrapers don't have any are as smooth as possible and additionally we do recommend that if you have the ability to warm your car up beforehand that you're able to do so because like I mentioned the fact that

(36:22) the surface of ClearPlex is completely smooth it will allow ice to be repelled much easier but you can use ice scrapers we just highly recommend that you either you know you can sharpen your ice scrapers which I understand that's not really realistic for any and consumers but then what we would recommend is if they do get ClearPlex it applied that they go out and get a new ice scraper that doesn't have any blemishes on the edges because those blemishes is what could get into the film and cause scratching and the final recommendation

(36:58) is that you can also recommend that your customers go on to Amazon or you could sell these yourself and put the kind of ice covers over their windshields I personally live in Utah where it gets below freezing much throughout the winter you can find these ice covers for about $15 and they're essentially a blanket that goes over the windshield and they work very very very well great thank you we have another question where someone is inquiring about training hands-on training yep so we were in the process of creating two

(37:38) different training centers one in Utah and one in Florida we still have that in the works but with the Cova Denine teen crisis that has been put on hold intermittently throughout the year either myself or other Madico it's myself as along with the other Madico sales reps will conduct road shows those are that's another way that we conduct training so that's something that we'll have a little bit more information on once this sort of crisis subsides and we can finalize our plans of setting up

(38:12) those two different training sites but we are moving towards having formal training locations one in Utah one in Florida and then we are also going to continue the process of conducting road shows and in shop training trainings thank you another question here is the longevity still 18 months in the Northeast where they feel out of no and Road oh yes so it is gonna be 18 months but like I mentioned it's it's all it is dependent on factors like mileage driven care and then climate does come into play as well so that's something that's

(38:56) important to educate your customer you know if you do have harsh conditions salt or gravel that's on the road just like that can damage your paint protection film and damage your paint it can do the same thing to your windshield protection film as well so you you just have to be very clear when you explain you know those those things to your customers there's a lot of different factors that come into play our film is very durable and it will withstand a lot of things but it's depending on the amount of mileage

(39:33) driven and the climate the film could last longer than that it could last less than that and it's hard to give an exact answer specifically but even in the Northeast we do see our film lasts a very long time okay and one more question so far someone is looking for a supplier in the UK okay so what we'll do is if they can send their email address we'll hand that off to Jim Ford who is our EMEA Sales Manager and he will be able to contact that person and answer that question okay thank you that looks like we have

(40:18) covered all the questions okay sounds great and I just want to wrap up by letting everybody know that we're gonna be doing a full Claire Plex installation tutorial on April 29th so that's going to be a video of myself doing the heat shrinking of the film just to get everybody uh knowledgeable on why we teach wet shrinking versus dry shrinking I'm also just want to let everybody know to you know go and check out the ClearPlex Instagram the handle is at ClearPlex and also the Madico  Instagram which is @madicoinc I believe yes

(40:57) and you can take a look at both of those particularly the ClearPlex since we're talking about ClearPlex on this webinar we do reposts every day so if you're interested on like who uses ClearPlex what are the cars that around the country and around the world that are getting protected go check out the Instagram because you're gonna be getting daily updates also if you check out the hashtag ClearPlex on Instagram right now there's over 35,000 hashtag ClearPlex and there's probably 20 to

(41:31) 30 per day that get added of new installs around the world and then also go on YouTube because YouTube will cover some other things I didn't really get into in this presentation we have both installation videos but we have videos that show how you can expand ClearPlex out of just windshield protection film so we have many customers that use windshield as a smash-and-grab film through side windows and we have a lot of very very good videos that show how well ClearPlex with stands against smash-and-grabs theft prevention outside

(42:08) of that as long as there's no other questions I again just want to thank everybody for their time we look forward to growing the ClearPlex business with you we're very excited here at Madico because we know that we're gonna be having a lot of growth this year and we're looking forward to growing with all of you


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