
Introduction to Protekt PPF

Introduction to Protekt® PPF

By: David Smith

Oct 13, 2018

Introduction to Protekt® PPF - YouTube


(00:03) okay good afternoon welcome to our protect pps webinar today we have two presenters for you shannon ford our sales rep for california and ken floyd the sales rep for canada also we have several videos that have been recorded by lisa floyd our film trainer right now all participants should be on mute if you're not make sure that you are on mute we want to make sure that we're able to hear the presenters um please locate the chat function for zoom it's usually in the bottom navigation and if you have any questions

(00:46) throughout the webinar enter them into the chat conversation the webinar is going to be about 30 minutes long we will have about five minutes at the end for question and answers so any questions that you enter during the webinar will be asked to the presenters at the end of the webinar and we are recording this webinar today so if you ever want to refer back to it or look at the videos or the slides it will be posted within the next few days to matico u and with that i will go ahead and let shannon ford our first presenter take

(01:25) over hi i'm shannon ford i'm the sales rep for southern california and hawaii and i've been with madiko for seven years so i'm just gonna dive right in why offer paint protection film the global paint protection film market size is valued at 305.2 million dollars adding ppf to your product lineup offers greater profit potential not only does ppf usually have higher returns than tinting you can also upsell window film customers to make more per transaction ppf also offers return customers once a customer gets

(02:06) ppf on one vehicle there's a good chance they'll come back in the future with new vehicles or family members vehicles or if they've had their car tent done by you in the past then you can reach out to them via email phone or direct mail to offer them ppf you can become a one-stop shop why send business to your neighbors and refer your ppf out to other shops you can offer package deals for ppf and tint dealerships can come to you for both ppf intent you can gain increased credibility ppf shops are often considered by many customers to be

(02:43) nicer shops which can help increase your tent and other business offering ppf will attract a wider range of demographics ppf can help you enter new markets it's a great excuse to go into fleets car dealerships bus and motorhome companies and get business that you wouldn't otherwise have and ppf is not just for automobiles boats motorcycles and unconventional uses such as graffiti guard and elevators and other surfaces can allow you to serve customers that tent shops would typically not be in contact with because they don't

(03:18) have windows to tent so what are the main benefits of protect ppf protect is a self-healing and stain resistant paint protection film light scratches come out with a heat gun or sun right away later in the presentation there will be videos demonstrating this and the stain resistant quality protect offers superior clarity when installed properly it is virtually invisible protect enhances the metallic quality and color of the car the appearance of protect meets and exceeds the industry standard for clarity and appearance

(04:01) protect has an even top coat with a nice sheen and advanced hydrophobic quality if you aren't familiar with hydrophobic property of film we will be showing that later in the presentation protect is a malleable film and absorbs shock better than thick brittle film protect is easy to install which will save you time money and frustration it offers excellent stretch for easier installation on more difficult vehicles and has a nice aggressive adhesive so you'll want to back off your alcohol but that adhesive helps with difficult

(04:34) installations like as you can see in the photo to the right that bumper was quite difficult and it installed quite easily protect is very forgiving of lift lines and there is no silvering when repositioning the film sometimes during an install you will need to reposition the film and when this happens you won't want a film that will leave lines or silvering we will be demonstrating this in our videos later in the presentation and protect offers a seven year manufacturer's warranty in north america so here are the product specifications

(05:11) for protect you can see from the diagram above that the urethane is the six mil the adhesive is 1.25 mil and the top coat is 2.25 mil our new formulation has excellent clarity and is not yellow we are introducing a 3ml release liner that goes through the plotter very easily protect ppf comes with a 1ml cap sheet or a top liner so be sure to remove it before installation our cap sheet protects the film during shipping preventing damage and you will notice how nice and even the sheen is protech's total film thickness is seven

(05:50) and a half mil which is industry standard and comparable in thickness to other market leaders pictured above is a photo of the protect being measured with a micrometer which means they are measuring just the thickness of the film so only the ppf is being measured not the liner or the cap sheet matico offers both plotters and software the matako advance cutting system or max can help you increase profits by offering you better yield and a decrease amount in the waste of film in film waste so in essence it saves you film which

(06:30) will save you money plotters speed up your cutting and allow you to do more cars and plotters are faster and easier than hand cutting using plotters means you no longer are cutting directly on paint which is a selling point that you can tell your customers they will be glad to hear it kits can be cut ahead of time and brought to dealerships also with the mac software you can show your customer the available pattern pieces on the computer screen and upsell accessory pieces such as door handle cups a-pillars roof line and bumper luggage

(07:07) guards that they might not have considered which can lead to more profits plotters can allow you to have an apprentice help install an apprentice can be prepping the car cutting the kit weeding the kit while you are installing on another car and plotters are not just for window tint and paint protection film you can also cut crisp graphics and patterns with speed and precision you can create signs decals and stencils as well as vehicle graphics and logos and even pinstriping we offer three top of the line graph

(07:42) tech plotters here in the united states the 64 graphtec which is a 72 inch max media width 54 graftec which is a 60 inch maximum media width and the 42 graftec which is a 48 inch maximum media width financing may be available so contact your rep or service center for more information mac software was developed for matako dealers and includes unlimited use of the pattern library which includes more than 4 000 window film patterns dating back to 1990 and over 35 000 paint protection patterns unlimited use means unlimited

(08:22) cuts so there is no limit to the number of cuts you can make you are not limited to credits based on film purchases the software is updated automatically with new patterns which are added and automatically pushed out overnight max has design tools for editing patterns and designs you are not limited to patterns the patterns in the database you can make your own patterns or you can edit the patterns that are included and save them save the changes on your computer you're not limited to cars you can expand your business and create signs

(08:58) banners and decals max uses common graphic file formats such as adobe illustrator and photoshop max software subscriptions are one year long and are available with two payment options they can be paid for in one payment up front or they can be automatically charged in 12 monthly payments as mentioned previously mac software is updated regularly so you always get the latest patterns and tools so who's your target market who is a good fit for ppf well you can upsell your current customers anyone who has a leased vehicle ppf will

(09:46) keep the vehicle in pristine condition so when it's returned there's no cost to the lessee anyone with a new vehicle ppf can keep the value up for resale purposes and keeps the vehicle looking new for longer high-end exotic owners are always looking to protect their investment classic car owners are another potential market and really you can put ppf on anyone's vehicle who loves their car ppf can also help you gain new business through other markets you may not be currently in such as auto dealerships

(10:21) if you secure can secure six dealerships that will keep you busy during the slower season you can also get corporate accounts with fleets such as bus companies rv companies taxi and shuttle companies and government vehicles such as police transit and utility vehicles body shops are important because insurance may pay to replace ppf that was on a part of the body damaged during an accident car rental companies and motorcycles and motorcycle dealerships are also good markets on motorcycles gas tanks can get scratched very easily

(11:01) and so can fairings and saddlebags we have a customer testimonial we'd like to share with you this is from ryan andrews from spectrum auto in colorado springs colorado protect ppf has been an incredible addition to our product offerings and our installers find it easy to work with our customers are pleased with the outcome and love how the film protects their vehicle's paint finishes especially on areas such as the fender and bumper the product does an excellent job of protecting against and withstanding the anti-icing

(11:40) chemicals we often have to use here in colorado so i'm going to hand this over to ken now all right thanks shannon i'd like to introduce myself i'm ken floyd eastern canada eastern canada sales rep for medical canada based out of oakville ontario um i have an extensive background installation and sales for window tint and paint protection film um i've been selling medical products for approximately 15 years now um and i'd like to do a shout out to rick carter who takes care of our western provinces of canada based out of

(12:17) richmond bc um i'd like to go through some of the recommendation uh recommendated tools um some of these are only suggestions um they have proven to work in the field if you have tools that you use now that you like and are successful please keep keep using them we like to do what's called a two bottle system for using the two bottle system we like to have what's called the spray master bottles they're lightweight they've got a strong clip on them and they work very well now next to it is the silver alpha knife

(12:55) that's commonly used in most tint shops it's used for tinting and ppf now the next is the scrub pads these are used to take off bugs road residue pollutants off the paint surface before you install the ppf now remember to use these wet never dry um they are a scouring pad they will scratch so i would i would probably like to see a test them in an area just to make sure they're not scratching up the paint too bad um but using them wet they will not leach hairline scratching now next is the alcohol this is the

(13:32) first part of the two bottle system one bottle will be used with alcohol it's a 25 75 ratio 25 being alcohol 75 water i'd like we'd like to see you use 70 isopropyl alcohol only not 99 99 will smear the adhesive because it's a bit too strong but again this is not written in stone and mixture so if you find that your mix is too strong or not strong enough please feel free to mix around with fool around with your mixtures to make sure you're you're comfortable with what you have the next tool is called a green contour

(14:11) now this is mainly used for door cup installations as it's got a flexible it's easy to install underneath the cups themselves um this is an excellent upsell for you um doing door cups you can actually take some of your scrap pieces that would end up in the garbage use your core from your film if you don't have a plotter and cut little circles and use them they can be sold at like 10 to 20 dollars per cup so it's a great way to use your excess films that you're not going to be using next is the olfa stainless steel blades

(14:44) they're again commonly used for the tint and ppf industry great for weeding out your kits and trimming off the ppf when you're installing um dext is a four inch white hard card again commonly used in tint and ppf installations this is more of a finishing tool pushing moisture from the edges i recommend you wrap this in towel in a paper towel or your microfiber cloth because they can't scratch if they have a slight burr on them uh now a five inch green turbo is highly recommended for the ppf it's

(15:20) got a perfect durometer for installation and alongside it there's a new pink turbo it's got a slightly softer durometer but still excellent for the ppf installation now a nice little trick to the trade is what we use is a syringe now this is a fantastic tool that will save you a lot of time and headache if you do an install and you leave bubbles um one or two bubbles in the center of the kit instead of having to lift the whole kit up to get at that bubble now you can poke that bubble draw the water into it and you'll never

(15:50) see the mark that way it'll save you time headache and potentially having to redo the whole kit um now micro plus always have these with you you want to wipe the moisture away as you're doing your installs um you want to wipe the surface as you're doing them and you'll see that you'll see lisa doing that in the video in a little bit but it'll you can wipe it as as you're going along so you can see what you've left behind if anything but they're soft and they don't leave scratching now the pod steamer

(16:20) better known as the pressure on demand steamer now this tool is excellent you don't need it with our protect but because our broke deck is easy to install with the steering it makes it even that much more easier it's it's an amazing tool it'll take fingers down basically with just the steam and lisa will show a small sampling of that in one of the videos now here's the um here's the ease of installation video now lisa is our trainer and right now she's going to be tagging the center as she puts it down now what

(16:59) she's doing is she's going to anchor this in place now she's going to check all her edging and see what she's got make sure she has lined up to where she liked it but with the protect like i said like shannon was saying earlier that this can be repositioned it can be lifted up now she has put this on with the soap and water but now she's going to flush out the soap using the alcohol mixture okay so she's going to lift up to that center tag line spray heavily with the alcohol now that'll flush out any soap

(17:32) now when she puts it back down she can reposition so you can stretch and what's nice about the protect is you'll notice that it's not going to leave any lines it's not going to leave any lift lines it's not going to leave any glue markings and no ridge lines now here again she's looking at a finger that's not quite in place so she will lift this again as you can see and she will spray it again with the alcohol reposition and we'll show very closely that we're not leaving any lines when she's doing

(18:04) this if it's done properly okay now she's going to spread she's going to keep the surface of the ppf wet because she does not want her uh squeegee to stutter so she's gonna go across working her way to the edge okay and this is done without any steam okay so as you can see she's gonna do the other side with steam just to show the speed of the install now we haven't sped this installation up at all this is actual install time so you can see how fast the hood can be put down our adhesive is very aggressive but not

(18:43) too aggressive where it's going to leave marks so now she's going to wipe down to see she hasn't left anything behind she doesn't have any lift lines she has any bubbles left in the surface so she'll look over the edging to make sure she doesn't have any lines and if she did she could lift up again like we were saying earlier but now here's a close-up of showing you there's no lift lines no ridge lines and no adhesive puckering or marks in the adhesive from lifting it twice now like the first side she's going to

(19:18) do this one she'll lift it up put the alcohol in and she's going to flush out any of the soap but this time she is going to use the steamer and you'll actually see one of the lead fingers on the front it will actually almost go away by itself without any squeegeeing but we'll get to that in just a moment here but as right now she's going to position put it in place and these lead fingers on the front are going to be steamed away so the steamer has like a foam cover on the on the end of it so it can

(19:51) be rubbed right onto the surface without hurting the ppf at all but any of those lead fingers are now just gonna they basically go down by themselves okay so now the same thing as the other side she will you to the to the edge so get it down but those fingers are really really easy to put down with the steamer with hardly any effort at all so again she'll look at the ridgelines there are none the clarity of the product on a white there is no yellow residue at all or a yellow staining color now again she wasn't happy with that

(20:32) edge so she put a little bit more alcohol under there and she will squeeze you down and you'll see how aggressive it does stick down when she goes to wrap it okay so she's just checking her edge but again there's no ridge lines because a lot of a lot of times if you work on the edge like that you will get what's called ridge lines they look like a mountain top okay they leave an ugly mark so with this stuff it's not now this is going to show the self-filling properties exceptional self-healing performance minor scratches

(21:08) can be healed with a heat gun the film will smooth out on its own as the scratches disappear [Music] protect ppf offers exceptional chemical and residue resistance solvents such as acetone gasoline and motor oil will not damage the film when left on for short durations of time protect ppf also resists staining from natural substances like bird droppings and bug residue even a permanent marker will not stain or mark the film surface all residue can usually be cleaned with a soft cloth and the water and baby shampoo solution

(21:49) if needed alcohol can also be used to achieve a complete removal of these substances protecting consumer and commercial vehicles paint finish from the many things the road may throw at it protect paint protection film is the place to start for the perfect finish okay we'll move on to the high gloss finish video now this one is just going to show it's a really quick video but it's going to show you the actual finished product um once lisa had finished the install see i checked it all over but as you can

(22:35) see being on white there is no slight yellow tinge the clarity is incredible the shine is is very very nice very bright it enhances the metallics in the paint um it really does very sharp you'd never know it was on from even two feet away now what she's going to do here she's just going to trim the excess off because she's going to do a wrapped kit now this can be done with a kit on the plotter or as she's doing is with a bulk piece now you can see how fast it wraps i mean she doesn't have any

(23:12) pro bond or any adhesive promoter underneath on this one which would even help it quicker but in this case she's wrapping it around it sticks down rather quick no lines no fingering and it's a really nice finished product i highly recommend the wrapped kits obviously for the protection part of it because rocks can hit the very edge where if you don't do a wrap kit you just leave an exposed 1 8 of an inch even that's where the rock will find it in most cases but as you can see from this it's got a

(23:43) nice shine now i'd like to go over the marketing materials available um now we have some really nice pieces that can go along with the sale and help you sell the product more in your showrooms the first one is the pro-tec ppf it's the car hood display now this is about a two foot by two foot um hood that has protection on one side and not on the other it's got good verbiage tells you exactly what's going on it's a great piece for any showroom um even a car dealership it'll tell everything there is to know it'll show

(24:22) the shine of the product now the next one is the consumer brochures it's a pop display now this one has it's great obviously for your showroom for your dealerships um it'll stand its has the trifolds inside now the trifolds are all the information you'll ever need now what's nice about the tri-folds is if you're a tint shop and you and they don't know you do ppf or they have never even thought about getting ppf done leave one of these in the car after you've tinted the car and you may just

(24:52) grab that extra sale because they didn't even realize you did it and the next one is a sample card um these are good for the person that's serious about getting it done but has to take it home talk it over and this way they can see the product feel the product and it's got all the information built onto it um banner stands now these banner stands are six feet tall very nice excellent for a showroom excellent for a dealership now they can also be used for if you're doing trade shows uh car shows they're a great way to

(25:23) display it it's got the verbiage on there it's telling everything you need to know about the ppf and we also have hanging banners for the outside of the building now these are great they're about three feet by six feet they hang on the outside of the building or the inside but if they're on the outside they're going to give you some viewing for traffic is going to view it they're going to drive by they may not even realize because you may be a tin shop they now realize you can do ppf it'll help drive them to your shops now

(25:51) all these market materials are available on or at your local medical service center or it's a downloadable pdf on the medical hub you can ask any your local reps for pricing or availability on any of these pieces now we want to thank everybody for coming up and attending this webinar now we have two specials we're going to be running um special number one and use code protect webinar one what we're doing is we're going to give a 24 inch by 10 foot roll of protech ppf that's a limit one per company the

(26:28) second special is use code protect webinar 2 now what we want is you to take a photo send us your feedback everyone that tags matako in a social media post that mentions pro tech ppf will be eligible for 10 off their next first or next purchase protect ppf posts must be made within 30 days of the webinar what we want to do is step one you follow matico inc on facebook instagram or twitter step 2 create a post that mentions pro tech ppf and tag matico step 3 send a copy of your post to your medical service center and

(27:04) mention code above to receive your discount now discounts are available for 20 inch rolls and 60 inch rolls get up good for up to two rolls full rolls only and this discount does expire december 20th 2020. thanks ken and shannon that was very informative we do have just a few questions that have come in and while i'm asking these first questions this is the opportunity for anyone that's in attendance to enter additional questions into the chat box the first question is what's the proper way to care for protect ppf

(27:49) shannon you want to check that out sure sure so protect is very very easy to take care of you just want to allow three days before washing it and you want to use normal cleaning procedures you know don't use a pressure washer closer than 36 inches and of course hand washing is always best although it's self-feeling and steam resistant you will still want to remove bird droppings leaves tree sap etc promptly because these can be very acidic in nature and can ultimately damage the ppf if it's left on for long

(28:24) periods of time thanks shannon and then secondly somebody asked should you remove the cap sheet before or after plotting i'll take this um you can do it either way like this stuff does not buckle but um if you'd have to set your pressure on your plotter so if you find it easier just to take off and plot it that's fine but certainly you can plot it with the cap sheet on and then somebody just asked can it be applied to a waxed surface no you want to take off all waxes um i highly recommend you know you use

(29:07) your alcohol to take the wax off yeah you're going to have to clean the surface you want to get it down to its p to its raw paint surface okay and then um can is there ppf installation training available um yeah right now what we have we have our training center in canada lisa does it out of our oakville office i know in the pinellas park with the new plant they will be developing a training center coming in 2021 at some time i don't have any dates yet um but as of right now we do have it in canada available but coming in the u.s

(29:46) yes thanks and then um the last question we're almost out of time here is will protect ppf turn yellow over time and will it lose its shine i can answer this i mean the u uh protect is uv protected and so it will not yellow over time and with proper maintenance and waxing it will stay shiny for years okay thank you guys this was a great webinar and we appreciate everyone attending

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