
What are the Steps in the Car Tinting Process?

What are the Steps in the Car Tinting Process?

By: David Smith

Oct 13, 2018

Starting with a pristine work environment through to the exacting measurement, cutting, and placement of film, Madico dealers recommend best practices for window film installation.

What are the Steps in the Car Tinting Process? | Madico U - YouTube


(00:01) [Applause] [Music] what exactly are the steps in the car tinting process while we're aware that many installers have perfected their own methods to install window film what you're about to see is a popular way professionals install car window film on most vehicles by the way and note to any customers considering installing their own automotive window film we recommend you see the can I install my window film by myself to understand why we urge you to let a professional handle your installation okay so let's get started step one the

(00:39) tinting environment bring the car to be tinted in a dust and Winfrey space usually a large interior bay of a building step 2 prepping the windows clean the windows of the car to be tinted inside and out using a soap and water solution sponge squeegee to remove any and all dirt and debris step 3 measuring and cutting measure the cars windows and cut pieces of film from a master roll to fit those measurements lay out the film on an exterior surface of the car window and cut it down more precisely heat shrink the film using a

(01:11) heat gun to contour the film so it curves to the glass rest assured a proper professional heat gun designed for this process emits heat at a low setting and will not harm the vehicle step 4 the peel board after the film is cut down to match the pattern of the window remove the film and place it on the glass peel board to cut down the finer details of the window shape this is where the release liner is usually removed step 5 installation once the film has been cut down to the correct size and shape spray soap and water solution onto

(01:42) the window as well as the film itself then remove the film's release liner and apply the film to the interior of the window use the squeegee to remove any excess solution that may be under the film and activate the adhesive that secures the film to the window step 6 final inspection take a look at your work examining the window from both the inside and the outside to spot any imperfections that need to be fixed step 7 dry time once the tint job is complete do not roll down the vehicles windows for three days

(02:12) depending on weather conditions and the film type it can take up to three weeks for the film to fully dry and cure during this time small water bubbles and/or hazy appearance may appear this is normal and will disappear as the film dries there you have it if you'd like written instructions of the automotive window tinting process please download the transcript that accompanies this video [Music]

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