
Will Window Film Kill My House Plants?

Will Window Film Kill My House Plants?

By: David Smith

Oct 13, 2018

While everyone enjoys indoor house plants, most need some love from the sun, too. Will window film stand in the way of the sun nourishing healthy house plants?

Will Window Film Kill My House Plants? | Madico U - YouTube


(00:01) [Applause] [Music] well window film kill my houseplants in most cases if a house plant is already receiving adequate light using window film won't harm your plants new growth or flowering may be impacted as the plant may take a few days to adjust to the light change if a particular plant normally wilts by the end of a sunny day it can actually thrive better once film is installed there are some obvious guidelines in determining what effect if any window film will have on a plant for instance dark green plants need less

(00:37) light than lighter coloured ones but if you'd like an idea of what that impact may be on a particular plant here's a simple test which can be done prior to film installation simply move the plant to an area with less sunlight for a few days to see how it's impacted what's more most nurseries or local agricultural agencies can advise you whether a particular plants needs are closer to maximal or minimal light bottom line if you're one to talk to your house plants let them know everything should be just fine

(01:09) [Music] you

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