Saving Energy in Schools with Window Film

Public school districts across the country spend more than $6 billion annually on energy, and as much as 30% of the total energy use is inefficient or unnecessary, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star program website or



Controlling Energy Costs Year Round


PencilWith today’s technology schools have a lot of energy saving options, and one that can’t afford to be overlooked is window film. Professionally installed window film helps control indoor temperatures by keeping out up to 86% of the sun’s heat, dramatically reducing air conditioning costs. And in the winter, the same window film can help retain interior heat, reducing heating costs.



Creating a More Comfortable Environment


BookWindow film also helps regulate the temperature disparity between different parts of a school building, from classrooms that may be sunnier to administrative offices that may be shadier. Not only does this help conserve energy, it also make the school environment more comfortable for students, teachers, and staff. Window film offers glare reduction benefits too, reducing eyestrain for students working on their computers, and reducing the need for as much artificial lighting– that’s another energy saving benefit.



Offering Benefits Beyond Energy Savings


CompassThere are benefits of installing window film in schools that save money in other ways, including protection from fading. Window films can screen out nearly 100% of harmful ultraviolet rays that damage interior furnishings, flooring, artwork, and more. The longer interior fixtures last, the less money schools need to spend in replacement costs.


Window film also offers another key benefit that could be considered priceless: increased safety and security for students, teachers, and staff. In the aftermath of the tragic shootings in Newtown, CT, school safety and security is a high priority. If a bullet were to strike a window during a similar tragic event, safety and security films are designed to hold the shattered glass in place, potentially reducing the risk of injury and hopefully, decreasing casualties.


Managing the Sun’s Heat With Window Film

While window films are mostly invisible, they perform some impressive, heavy-duty work behind the scenes without us ever thinking about it. Security, aesthetics, privacy and safety in the event of shattering glass are all jobs that window films do well.

It’s in controlling the effects of the sun’s energy, though, that window film’s most important work gets done. Heat and light from sunlight benefit humankind tremendously. At the same time, they can damage skin and property and require electricity to manage, mainly in the form of air conditioning.

How does window film control the effects of heat on the interior of a building or automobile? Through reflection, absorption or a combination of both, window tints help manage your interior temperatures. The sun’s rays are composed of three types of energy — visible light, infrared (IR) and ultraviolet (UV) light that we can’t see and can only feel. Window films from Madico®, Inc. can reject or absorb all three for comprehensive solar control.

Controlling Visible Light

Depending on its construction, window film allows most or all visible light to pass through the glass to which it’s applied. Optically clear window film will let most visible light through while reflecting or absorbing other types of solar energy. Tinting will filter out some visible light, and decorative blackout or whiteout film will block even more. 

Tinted film lets homeowners darken their interiors without blinds or curtains, allowing them to enjoy their views with less glare from the sun. Likewise, tinted automotive film will block some visible light to reduce glare and improve visibility while driving. Every window film will allow a certain percentage of light to pass through while reflecting a certain amount from the exterior and interior.

For example, UV Gard by Madico, which is optically clear, transmits 80% of visible light while reflecting 8% on both external and internal sides of the glass. By comparison, Solar Bronze by Madico has an earth-tone tint that transmits just 35% of visible light. Its reflective surface also rejects 18% of visible light from the outside. For automotive applications, most of our window tints come in many shades, allowing drivers to customize the amount of visible light that enters their vehicles based on state regulations.

Black Out by Madico blocks nearly 100% of visible light, making it great for a home theater. Meanwhile, White Out by Madico lets in just 9% of visible light and diffuses it to create soft, white illumination. It also allows for total privacy, making it great for bathrooms and glass doors.

Controlling Infrared Light

Infrared rays are responsible for most of the sun’s heat. Solar window films can reject IR rays and reflect or absorb most of the heat energy from the sun before it’s felt inside the building or car. Reflective window films bounce much of the sun’s IR rays back into the atmosphere, while non-reflective or dyed films simply absorb or block them. Thus, most window films can reduce heat buildup inside cars and buildings to varying degrees.

Light-selective nano-ceramic films for automobiles, like Black Pearl® Nano-Ceramic by Madico, offer a high IR rejection of 87% for maximum heat protection. Home and building owners can take advantage of this technology through Sunscape® Advanced Ceramic by Madico, which offers between 66% to 83% IR rejection depending on the model. This technology increases indoor thermal comfort and reduces your cooling costs.

Controlling UV Light

UV light is one of the most damaging types of solar energy. It’s responsible for sunburn and has been linked with skin cancer. UV solar energy also does a number on your property and belongings, causing carpets, upholstery, artwork and flooring to fade. Blocking UV rays is good for your health and will slow fading in your car, office or home’s interior. The Skin Cancer Foundation even specifically recommends Madico’s UV-protective window films. 

Whether optically clear, reflective or tinted, high-quality window films can block most of the sun’s UV rays. Most Madico window films offer greater than 99% UV rejection, which is like having sunscreen on your car, home or building.

Protecting Interiors

All forms of the sun’s energy can contribute to interior fading and deterioration. UV light is the biggest culprit, and experts attribute 40% of fading and interior damage to UV light. 

UV rays can interact with many chemicals found in furniture, fabric dyes and wood, which causes fading over time. This light can also cause leather to become cracked, similar to how it causes skin damage. The sun’s heat plays a role, too, as many fabrics, woods and other materials will react to temperature changes and slowly deteriorate with heat exposure.

Controlling the amount of heat and UV light that passes through glass by installing solar window film slows heat damage and fading of furnishings and carpet. With heat protection, you’ll find it more affordable to control your home’s climate, which will protect your furniture from heat and humidity. It will also protect your car’s interior from heat and UV damage, even when it’s parked for long periods in the hot sun.

Why Choose Madico for Your Solar Control Window Film?

Why Choose Madico for Your Solar Control Window Film?

Besides solar control, visual comfort and heat reduction, Madico window films offer various benefits. Madico films can enhance your home’s decor and are covered by a manufacturer’s warranty in North America. They come in reflective and matte options and shades ranging from brown to gray to silver. They can also feature decorative elements like frosting or whiteout applications.

An experienced, reputable window film professional can help you determine which product is right for your home, buildingor automobile. Contact your local Madico dealer to learn more. Keep browsing to find the perfect architectural films for your home or building, or choose your automotive film with our tint simulator tool.


Who Needs Window Film?

It’s likely the average consumer has never considered buying window film. In fact, you may be asking yourself, “Who needs window film?” The answer is fairly simple — anyone who is concerned about personal and property protection.

You should consider window film if you:

Own a Car

Automotive window films are some of our most popular products, available in both tinted and transparent applications. They provide added protection to drivers, passengers and the vehicle itself. Some of the benefits of auto glass film include:

  • Solar protection: Window film is like sunscreen for your car. Automotive films can block up to 99% of harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Research shows that 53% of skin cancers in the U.S. occur on the left or drivers’ side of the body. While typical windshield glass blocks 90% of UVA radiation, untreated side windows and sunroofs can let in as much as 50% of UVA radiation. Professionally installed solar control films, or tinted window coverings, help block out both UVA and UVB rays that cause skin cancer. By blocking UV rays, these films also reduce glare, lower the vehicle’s temperature, and slow interior fading and cracking.
  • Glass protection: Our ClearPlex® windshield protection system absorbs impacts, making the glass more resistant to rock chips, pitting and bull’s-eyes. This feature keeps cars in top condition, helping them maintain their value.
  • Safety: ClearPlex goes on optically clear and speeds up the run-off for snow and rain, enhancing visibility. Tinted window films also reduce glare for added visibility. During an accident, the protective layer keeps shattered glass in place, safeguarding passengers.

Own a Home

Make your home your own while keeping it protected with our range of stylish and UV-protective window films. They offer benefits to homeowners such as:

  • Solar protection: Just like you might not think to apply sunscreen before getting inside your car, you probably wouldn’t consider putting on SPF 30 just to sit in your living room or bedroom. The harmful UV rays that penetrate unprotected glass can damage your skin, causing premature aging and wrinkles, and as we already mentioned, skin cancer. Our residential window films offer reflective and tinted options that block UV rays and keep you and your family protected. They can also help to prevent eyestrain by reducing glare.
  • Reduced energy costs: Solar control films also reduce your air conditioning usage and energy costs by lowering the amount of heat entering your home. Your AC system will run more efficiently and won’t have to work as hard to keep your home cool.
  • Safety and security: Like on cars, window films keep your glass together if it shatters. If a storm damages your glass, the protective layer keeps it off the floor and out of your home. They can also act as security films and deter intruders because they can’t get in quickly by breaking glass.
  • Style: Perhaps one of the best reasons to give your home window films is because they look beautiful. Choose from colored glass tints ranging from silver to bronze, reflective options and even films that enhance your nighttime views. You can also add elegance and privacy with frosted window finishes. The solar protection features will slow fading for your furniture, artwork, flooring and carpets, enhancing your décor and preserving your interior color scheme.

Own a Business

Window film can be an excellent investment for your commercial property, adding sophistication and saving you money. Some of the benefits for business owners include:

  • Solar protection: Window films can protect commercial spaces from UV rays, creating a more comfortable environment for employees, guests and tenants. Solar control can also improve visibility — especially for computer monitors and TVs. Meanwhile, it will slow the fading of office furniture and décor, helping it last longer and keeping your space looking new and inviting.
  • Reduced energy costs: Solar control films can also significantly reduce energy costs as they do in residential applications. By blocking the sun’s heat, films can help lower air conditioning costs. Better heat control also reduces temperature differences between sunny and shady parts of the building, making it easier to set a comfortable temperature for the whole office.
  • Safety and security: Business owners are concerned about protecting their investment. Whether you own a small business or multi-million dollar company, having window film professionally installed increases security both inside and outside of your commercial building. Safety films can hold shattered glass in place, providing extra protection from threats like burglary attempts, vandalism and natural disasters.
  • Style and privacy: Interior and exterior window films alike can introduce privacy with frosted, black-out or white-out finishes. For businesses, they can also enhance your branding with printed graphics or custom shapes.

Why Choose Madico®, Inc. for Your Window Film?

Heat control and UV protection film for windows offer the highest returns when you choose quality products. Madico has been a trusted manufacturer for more than 100 years, and a trusted name in window films since 1948. We offer our customers:

  • Manufacturer’s warranty: Our customers in North America receive a manufacturer’s warranty on Madico film products.
  • An extensive selection: We’re continually innovating new products and expanding our collection to solve our customers’ most pressing needs and design aesthetics. Our automotive products include ClearPlex, a range of tinted products and paint protection films. Our architectural products come in many colors, reflective and matte finishes and many decorative options.
  • Industry-leading expertise: At Madico, we’re a leader in research and development, which lets us respond to emerging market trends with new, innovative products. We also provide our dealers with extensive training to ensure a long-lasting, attractive installation.

Find a Madico dealer near you and schedule a professional installation today.


Window Film in Your Community

Every single day you could—and quite possibly do—benefit from window film. If you haven’t yet noticed, that’s likely because window film is an undetected superhero, saving you from the sun’s harsh UV rays and offering a layer of defense against intruders trying to get a peek inside your home, school, or business.




Even though you can’t see window film, you can trust that it’s working around the clock to block up to 99% of UV rays, and up to 86% of the sun’s heat. And window film installation costs only a fraction of what window replacement can cost. Not only will you save yourself the hassle and out-of-pocket expense, you’ll save on long-term energy bills. From keeping you cool and comfortable to providing much-needed privacy, window film helps you—and your entire community—live better.


Click here to download an infographic that shows how window film works throughout your community.


Lowering Your Carbon Footprint with Car Window Film

We all know that hybrid and electric cars are a great way to conserve energy, but what if you’re not in the market for a new car? What if these cars are beyond your price range? You can still help to conserve energy while driving by adding window film to your car.



A Driving Ambition to Reduce CO2


A Driving Ambition to Reduce CO2Because window film blocks solar energy, it makes your car cooler. This means you’ll use less air-conditioning and fuel and produce less carbon emissions. It may seem like a tiny drop in the energy-efficiency bucket, but when you think about how much you drive and run the air-conditioner, day in, day out – especially in the summer months or if you live in a year-round warm climate – it adds up to another way you can conserve energy and help to protect our planet for future generations. After all, transportation is the second largest source of CO2 emissions according to studies from the Environmental Protection Agency.



The Ultimate Protector


The Ultimate ProtectorIn addition to lowering your carbon footprint, you’ll also enjoy all of the other benefits of car window film. It protects you from the sun’s rays, which not only cause skin cancer but also produce glare that can impede your vision while driving. Window film also protects the interior of your car from fading and cracking. In the event of an accident, window film keeps glass from shattering and reduces injuries. This also deters crime because thieves can no longer shatter a window in seconds and quickly grab what they want to steal – getting through the window film takes longer. A darker shade of window film will also hide any valuables from view.



Find Your Shade of Cool


Find Your Shade of CoolIf the thought of a darker shade of window film turns you off, rest assured there is a complete spectrum of shades that will help keep your car cooler and conserve energy. To see which one is right for you, try out this tint simulator. It lets you see how different shades of window film will look on a car.


Window Film vs. Window Shades

Deciding between installing window film or window shades might be a matter of personal preference. After all, some people love the traditional look of shades, while others like minimalist home décor and unobstructed views. When you compare both products’ value in energy efficiency and protection, you can make an informed decision that will benefit you in the long run.

Solar Heat Gain

Solar Heat Gain

Shades can effectively block sunlight and reduce incoming heat when they are light-colored, lowered or closed completely and do not have slats. Specifically designed insulated cellular shades, which fold up accordion-style, can reduce 80% of solar heat coming in through the windows. Because they are insulated, they can also prevent heat loss by 40% during the heating season.However, some styles, primarily darker shades, can absorb and trap solar heat, expelling it into a room.

When completely closed and correctly adjusted, traditional blinds with vertical or horizontal slats can reduce heat gain by reflecting sunlight. If they’re highly reflective and fully closed, they can reduce solar heat gain by about 45%. However, because they have gaps, they do not add any insulation.

Because window film reflects sunlight before it enters the home, it can block up to 80% of the sun’s heat and absorb the remaining heat. Some solar films are “low-emissivity” or “low-E,” which means they do not emit the heat they absorb from the sun into the room.

Low-E solar films considerably improve a window’s insulation. Your air conditioning does not need to run as frequently, so energy bills go down. Also, the insulating properties of window film provide year-round savings by diminishing home heat loss through the glass during colder weather. The General Services Administration estimates that low-E film averages 29% annual HVAC savings around a home’s perimeter. 

Glare Reduction

Glare Reduction

When direct sunlight causes glare on screens or business displays, shades allow you to block or redirect light. They make rooms darker, which requires more interior lighting to account for the loss of natural light. Ultimately, energy usage and costs increase.

Window tinting films control excessive brightness and prevent glare without forsaking natural light. They come in many tints, letting you darken your windows to your preferred degree. Many window tint films are so light that they do not appear to have any tint, while still reducing glare significantly.Meanwhile, you can look out the windows and enjoy your views and scenery, which can improve your mood and mental well-being.

UV Protection

UV Protection

Though sunlight can bathe your home in a natural glow, the sun’s UV rays can damage people and furnishings. Harmful UV radiation that filters in through windows can cause skin damage and cancer, while increasing premature fading on fabrics, furniture and flooring.

Depending on their material, window shades may not block UV rays effectively and can even fade or crack from sun exposure. Thin, light-colored shades that allow light to pass through also let UV light filter indoors. So even when you close the shades, you and your furniture could be susceptible to UV damage. Likewise, while slatted blinds reflect some light, they allow plenty to pass through, including invisible UV rays.

In contrast, window film blocks up to 99% of UV rays to provide safe, natural light. Almost all Madico®, Inc. solar control films, alongside most of our security and decorative films, reject more than 99% of UV radiation. Optically clear window films, such as UV Guard by Madico, contain special additives that give them UV-blocking properties, even when totally transparent. Reflective additives, which bounce visible light back outside, can also reflect UV rays.



Some businesses need to provide a level of privacy for their patrons, and many homeowners do not want exposed windows that display their valuables. Window shades will close off onlookers while obstructing natural light and views. 

Many window films feature a reflective additive that turns your window into a one-way mirror. The reflective properties allow you to see outside during the day while providing privacy from the outside.Some people also choose to install window privacy films such as White Out by Madico in rooms requiring extra privacy, such as the bathroom. While this material will create privacy similar to blinds and shades, it also diffuses the natural light coming in. Many prefer it for its minimalist design.



Another point of comparison for shades and window films is how they fare against window breakage. Intense winds can kick up sticks, stones and tree branches that can shatter glass. Meanwhile, homes and businesses are susceptible to breaking-and-entering crimes through their first-story windows. Without a layer of protection, either scenario may leave glass shards strewn about. 

If drawn shut, shades may block some shattering glass from projecting into a room. However, they aren’t perfect, and they do not guard against intrusions. 

Meanwhile, window film makes the glass more durable. If the glass breaks, the film helps keep the window intact by holding the broken pieces in place with its adhesive. The fragments will not enter the building, where they can cause personal injury. If someone attempts to break the window, the retained broken glass still provides a barrier, alongside the film itself, which impedes them from entering. Because they cannot enter and exit quickly, criminals may abandon their mission after encountering window film.


Blinds, accordion-style shades and even Roman shades collect dust and can be a hassle to clean. Blinds, in particular, require homeowners to clean between each slat. When fabric shades collect dust or become visibly soiled, they are challenging to clean because they’re not easy to take down and toss in the washing machine, as you might with curtains or drapes.

Window film sits perfectly flush against the window and doesn’t collect any dust at all. You only need to clean it as often as you already clean your windows, which adds no extra tasks to your cleaning routines. Many find they can use off-the-shelf glass cleaner, while others use soapy water and a soft cloth.

Gain the Many Benefits of Window Film With Madico

You can shed some light on the benefits of using window film versus window shades when you compare how each addresses saving energy and protecting your family and home. Depending on your goals, you may find window film can give you more bang for your buck. Besides light and glare reduction, they offer additional safety, security and UV protection and can even enhance your gorgeous views.

If you decide window film is the right choice for you, find a local Madico dealer to get the job done right. We offer a wide selection of solar control window films in many tint shades, reflective and optically clear options. Our products also come with a manufacturer’s warranty to give you peace of mind.

Gain the Many Benefits of Window Film With Madico




Celebrate the Energy-Savings and Other Benefits of Window Film!

There is no better season to celebrate window film and its amazing benefits than the holiday season! Between energy savings and health benefits, we really can’t find a reason why you shouldn’t invest in window film in the new year. Thanks to the International Window Film Association, here are 10 reasons we are celebrating window film to ring in 2017!


  1. Window film can help cut home cooling costs: reduce the heat in your home with window film. Your central air system shouldn’t have to work so hard.
  2. Go “green” or go home: did you know that many neighborhoods offer incentives for green projects? You can even receive tax reductions for window film installation. 
  3. Say goodbye to glare: don’t you hate when there’s a glare on the television or through the window? With window film, glare is never a problem.
  4. Protect your home and your family: you never know what could happen. Whether severe weather strikes, or the neighbor’s lawnmower throws a rock at your window, window film can stop the glass from shattering. 
  5. Alternative to window replacement: wanting to save energy in your home but don’t want to invest in new windows? Try window film instead—it’s less expensive!
  6. UV rays penetrate your home and car windows: however, with window film, you’re protected. The most harmful UV rays are blocked by window film.
  7. Customize, customize, customize: give your windows a sleek look with your choice of window film. Whether you want something tinted or transparent, window film can help give your home or office a look of its own.
  8. Sight for sore eyes: did you know that untreated windows only protect your eyes from 25 percent of UV rays? Window film can increase that percentage!
  9. Protect your investments: home furnishings aren’t cheap. Protect them with a layer of window film and keep them from undergoing sun damage.
  10. Large, small, high, or low, window film doesn’t discriminate: regardless of the size or location of your windows, window film can be installed no matter what!


Save money and energy, protect your home and family, and add some design and aesthetic to your home. There’s no downside to window film, so celebrate with us and put it on your to-do list for the new year!


Home Energy Quiz & Summer Links

If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ve probably learned quite a bit about energy conservation. So now it’s time to test your knowledge! Take this quiz from the Department of Energy that covers everything from what accounts for the most energy use in American homes to LED lighting myths.

Take the Quiz

Maybe you’ll discover that you already know a lot about energy conservation – or maybe you’ll learn something new? Either way, you can never know too much about energy conservation!

Links for Summer

Links for SummerSummer brings us hotter temperatures and high travel season, so we’ve compiled a few links with some summer energy-saving tips for your reference below. Stay cool and happy travels!





Keep Your Cool with Heat Rejection

Heat rejection is a smart, efficient process that keeps cooling costs down by preventing excess heat from entering a building’s interior. According to the International Window Film Association (IWFA), window films are an effective way to achieve this, obtaining up to 80 percent solar heat rejection.



Heat Rejecting Window Films


Heat Rejecting Window FilmsApproximately 40 percent of a home’s heat comes through its windows. By bouncing solar energy back and away from the interior, window films provide a home or other building with a “solar shield,” cutting cooling costs by as much as 30 percent.



Keeping It Light


Keeping It LightWhile almost any window film will provide heat rejection, today’s modern, high quality window films filter out damaging UV rays yet still allow visible light to penetrate the film’s surface. Although heat-causing solar energy is reflected back outside, creating energy savings, light is allowed to penetrate the film, preserving interior aesthetics. Not to mention preserving the enjoyment of beautiful views!



Long- and Short-Term Benefits


Long- and Short-Term BenefitsThe harmful effects of sunlight add up, not just in terms of energy costs, but also in damage to furnishings. Window film protects valuable fabrics and art from damaging ultraviolet rays that cause fading. This can potentially save thousands of dollars in replacement costs. Also, a variety of styles and hues make window films an architectural enhancement that can increase a building’s design value. Some homes will even qualify for a tax credit.



Additional Advantages


Additional AdvantagesAside from its heat rejection capabilities, window film offers a number of valuable benefits. First, it protects occupants from damaging UV rays and the glare that leads to eye fatigue. These same films allow more natural light to filter through and help reduce the need for artificial lighting. Second, window film helps to eliminate hot spots within a space, regulating the temperature and eliminating the need to run the air conditioning as frequently.



If you’re considering adding window film to your home or building, make sure you gain the maximum benefits by having them installed by a professional window film dealer. To find a Madico Window Films dealer in your area, call 888-887-2022 or email





5 Ways to Reduce Your Air Conditioning Bill – Now!

Summer is here, and with it often comes sweltering heat, high humidity – and the near-constant operation of air conditioning equipment. Electric kilowatt hours consumed to power your cooling units do accumulate quickly, and as a result your electric utility bill may careen out of control unless smart measures are taken to manage costs.


Here are five tips for keeping your air conditioning bill reasonable, without having to sacrifice too much in the way of comfort and convenience:



1. It all starts at the thermostat.


78 degrees is the sweet spot setting where energy efficiency and acceptable comfort intersect, for most folks. Yes, 72 feels nicer, but the U.S. Department of Energy says those six degrees will cost you close to 20% in cooling costs. Remember: the smaller the differential between outdoor and indoor temperatures during the cooling season, the lower your bill. Programmable thermostats pay for themselves by reducing your cooling costs when you’re away or asleep.



2. Be a fan-atic.


Those in Northern climates know the term “wind-chill effect,” when 30 degrees feels like 20 due to the feel of moving air on the skin. Wind-chill works the same way with warm air, so get a cool feeling by moving the air in your home with fans. That 78 degree thermostat setting can feel like 72 degrees with fans creating a cooling breeze. Turn fans off to save energy when you leave the room, of course.



3. Avoid generating heat inside.


How? Your clothes dryer, oven, and dishwasher are prime culprits. Air-dry clothes, cook on the grill or in the microwave oven, and hand-wash dishes, and you’ll give your cooling system a break, while taking your share of pressure off the electric utility grid at the same time. Use large-wattage appliances in the evening, if possible. Even TVs and computers generate heat, as do incandescent light bulbs (90% of their energy is given off as heat).



4. Inspect and maintain the equipment.


Cooling units work harder when their filters are clogged with dust and grime. Cleaning and/or replacing an air conditioner’s filter can cut cooling costs by 10-15%. Registers for central air systems should be kept clear of dust, and unblocked by furniture. Check the central air system’s outdoor condensor/evaporator coil unit to make sure branches, leaves, or other debris don’t block air flow.



5. Windows: let the sun shine in?


In a word, no. Bare window glass permits not just light (both visible, and harmful UV) to enter a building; it also transmits heat. Cooling costs for any building with glass can be cut significantly through the installation of a quality window film product, performed by a window film professional. Keeping curtains and shades drawn on any window will also reduce solar heat gain inside the home.